A luxury Vegan Spa already a reality in Spain

From time to time it is necessary to take time to pamper ourselves and move away from our routine for a while. Spas or massage centers are used to remedy the small muscle and bone problems caused by day-to-day stress, which, however small, can accumulate and must be solved. It is common for these centers to perform massages with chemical products or using toxics, as well as beauty treatments with products that can be tested on animals.

At least in Spain, it is something that has come to change the Signature Organic Spa, which is located in the Yurbban Passage Hotel & Spa, in Barcelona, ​​where all treatments are natural, organic and vegan, and therefore, gluten-free and toxic-free A spa that promotes beauty for the body, harmony for the mind and rest for the spirit. They claim to be careful with the environment while being effective. It is located in a vaulted space in which the original pillars have been preserved. Sauna and swimming pool are a small oasis in which to flee from the city bustle.


Juegan con los olores y las texturas de los propios productos, así como las formas de aplicarlos (en ocasiones son vaporizadores) consiguen que el tratamiento se convierta en una experiencia para los sentidos. “La clave para que los productos consigan su objetivo es la alta concentración del principio activo. Nosotros apostamos por grandes cantidades de los principios activos en cada producto y eso hace que sean muy eficaces” Santiago Bolívar, CEO de Signature Organic Spa. Su punto fuerte es la buena elección de los ingredientes que utilizan, el secreto de la cosmética orgánica, más allá de que sean naturales y se hayan cultivado sin pesticidas, reside en su elección.


There are also treatments for pregnant women, couples or the Beauty Party, special for bachelorette parties. They also champion the concept of Slow Beauty, consisting in taking the necessary time to enjoy the treatment and understand that, in addition to the aesthetic benefits, it also provides others that help to combat stress. They offer some treatments that can last up to 90 minutes so that the person who receives them, completely forgets about the rush and responsibilities thought to be obligatory, which can be diminished and even made disappear.

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